Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What’s Going on in Poetry #03

 I know it’s true that I’m not black
but let me jump in to attack
a thing you wrote a short while back
about your preference for Whitetack.

And though I’ve never had a tumour
I just heard an ugly rumour
you wrote a piece called ‘Balding Boomer’
and I don’t like that kind of humour.

And I have got some things to say
despite the fact that I’m not gay
about your poem yesterday
about the songs of Marvin Gaye.

And you wrote that limerick
about a dog who ate his stick.
Is cruelty what makes you tick?
You bloody perverts make me sick!

Yes, there is no more room for doubt.
These things I know fuck-all about
are subjects to avoid, you lout,
so I’ve come here to call you out.

I’m not a fascist. Speech is free.
I just don’t like your poetry.
It says things I don’t care to see
so please, in future, check with me.


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