Sunday, January 09, 2022

Love Story

Hold sadly under the palm of my hand
a moment longer -
let’s each cast another
seventy feet of spell
to stay in love. Thank me

for our unlipped kiss,
for letting my shadow
fall across you;
this snapped daffodil
I fetched from your garden
you can place in your own mouth.

Keep your sleeping flesh in hunger -
your dugong’s dream of perspiration. 
I might unbutton that dream today,
anoint you, pour gasoline
into your dry throat,
seed wild flowers between your lips
and loosened breath.

Hold nothing else with your dominant hand.
Let a reptile climb across your belly.
I could peel this planet Earth for you,
push my thumb between its segments,
rebuild you out of my ribs
and the cloying, fattened air.

All I ask is everything you have left,
to lie in unwatered darkness
waiting for my wasted breath -
to shake your dull body each time
to the cry of my name.

In between events,
I have fastened a silver chain
around your two thumbs.
Love me and I’ll lead you back
to where you started.


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