The Dream
I held you in my dream last night -
a dream of overwhelming bliss.
Two lovers in the fading light,
I stole your heart. You stole a kiss.
A dream of overwhelming bliss
that made me sorry when I woke.
You stole my heart. I stole a kiss
then watched you fade and my heart broke.
That made me sorry when I woke
and so I chased you back to sleep
but watched you fade and my heart broke.
I’d held you tight and kissed you deep
and so I chased you back to sleep
and found you there at midnight’s stroke.
I held you tight and kissed you deep
and found you with me when I woke.
I found you there at midnight’s stroke.
I’d held you in my dream last night
then found you with me when I woke,
two lovers in the fading light.
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