Thursday, October 10, 2019

Royal Jelly

Last night, again, he stole unseen -
a fox into the henhouse of her dream.
She woke in desperate despair,
masturbated then, barefoot, walked downstairs.

She left the mail unopened
ignored unanswered calls
sought solace in her garden
the cherished prison of its walls.

Her ten thousand little stars
domesticated, stingless.
She busies herself, she starts to work,
feels heavy, Earthbound, wingless.
She licks her fingers, tastes their sweetness -
and curses her accursed weakness.

Just days ago, she’d seen him in the park
then later, for hours, she’d lain silent in the dark
rehearsing things she knows she should have said
Ten thousand words unspoken,
wingless, dead.

She understood he coded his replies
She interpreted his sweetly searching eyes...
She breaks off and attends to her beehives
but a piano is exploding in her insides.
She digs a honeyed hand into her guts.
She’ll do her waggle dance for him.
No ifs, no buts.

She takes a blob of precious royal jelly,
feels terrifying lust course through her belly
and, cursing her accursed gnawing hunger
she eats the queen’s delight
quietly wishing she were younger.


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