M23, Southbound
ahead the
traffic celebrates
with a christmas tree
of break-lights
oh fuck says
the wife fuck
heads down
the kids don’t hear
its Hotel Transylvania 2
on seat-back DVD
youngest asleep so woo
we settle refresh
deal a hand of biscuits
watch ten minutes
of lights and sirens
on the hard shoulder
on the steering wheel my
hands feel meaty
a farmers hands
sailing his tractor
up the Somme
something unbuckles
christmas is over
hand break off
tractor speed on
diamonds announce the crash
two cars have come
together and apart
a vomiting woman
paramedics kneeling
dressing a man
in medical rags
and orange peel
another man
still face down
peering through the asphalt
to a hidden world below
his untucked shirt
mouths wind words
his back is
hairier than mine
in our unshattered
goldfish bowl
we float
across the battlefield
jesus don’t look says
the wife don’t look
go ahead kids
I say
look up
take a little taste
then try to forget
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