Sunday, January 30, 2022
He spoke to me down where the wild thyme grows:
‘Good fellow, do my bidding in the night.
Return before the randy rooster crows
at the dismal dullness of midsummer’s light’.
So down I danced and heard a silly song
sung by an actor who seemed asinine
(perhaps I have remembered this all wrong
but he looked to me just like old Kevin Kline).
Then as I crept down past the eglantine
I spied a sight that stilled my rowdy heart:
a fairy on a bank of celandine
with something puckish troubling her heart.
I know that our two hearts should never rhyme
though we both know they syncopate in time.
I choose the wine -
a glass of sweat between us
like Diana’s Mirror,
her sunken wrecks
the shoes kicked off by giants
in stupid violent history.
You wear the tablecloth -
‘Friends Romans Countrymen’
and my SS officer, heels tutting,
salutes the pepper pot.
My smile is carried at the speed of light.
You giggle at the speed of sound.
After the salad and tsunami,
Siamese twins joined at their junk
totter across a car park,
pirouetting around kisses,
punching puddles,
hunting tigers with an elephant gun.
In the barnyard of the night,
beneath a gibbous moon,
we become drunk piglets
between each other’s legs.
A conch mouth roughness glows
smooth with a single breath.
See how that fingertip reddens -
all blood where it belongs.
Inhaling distaff wisdom
at the true edge of the world,
two thieves nail themselves to the same cross,
broken backed and screaming.
In a pinprick of silence,
you place your exquisite hand
into the willing glove of my throat,
cradle the raw egg of my heart -
that spoonful of not very much
and squeeze.
The Omega Man
The empty streets run round me like a curse
I pinch my nose and hopscotch through the dead
to find a wall graffitied with some verse,
a still-wet message scratched in cherry red
which fades to brown as it begins to dry.
“I love you but I hate love and that’s why
I hate you and I hope you fucking die”.
Above the words a scribbled evil eye
stares down at me as I begin to smile
the broadest grin this empty world has known.
Despite the flood of vitriol and bile
the message tells me I am not alone.
I dance off down the hollow, blood-soaked street,
day-dreaming of the poet I could meet.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
The Hare
She settles into her depression
achieves her perfect form
in flat still camouflage
The dim farmer cannot know
how she surveys his labours
behind beaded spider webs
The fox and the hawk care not
that she has taken the earth
as her lover. She pushes against
his silence, his intransigence,
feels cold strength spreading
to the tips of her scarred ears
The sun is lost in a barley pod
but spring will come again
with its frenzy and its terror
In the grip of her loins’ madness
she will take her place in the wind
to box and bite their necks
The farmer barks something
in his tongue and she feels right
to run, springs out across the field,
quicksilver in the jelly of his eye
sinews packed with surviving fire.
She has unanswerable questions
One night she dreamed she was an owl.
Another night, she swam in warm seas.
Another still, she grew old and died.
She lives by phases of the moon.
She holds what she has close.
Everything else cannot ever matter.
Country Sonata
The mushroom steeple bell
balls its fist
rages twice
throws larks in flight
sings brother brother
to the distant sea
Men with orange necks
suck grass
beat the earth
in time with
the inchworm
the Seaford train
Light and air -
this mountain of may flowers
come friend
take nature’s pulse
dance a bee-wing waltz
drop glad to caper
at the copse
trudge dark to spring with me
two wasps against
the lazy sun
Down among the men
they love a barefoot girl
a piglet flower
holding the moon sideways
her dance is swift magic
her rhythm
the pendulum of daffodils
of hot pricks
Ask the ploughman for his song
he’ll sing of her
in his grave he will hear
a tambourine.
Shovelfuls of cemetery
shake off a blade
the ancient gate
rises on a rusted hinge
thanks the lost dog
the historian
the odd picnicker
The gravestones low at night
wind songs settle
on a reef of bones
a soul held voiceless
in a tree root
her pickle heart beating still
listens closer than
the living
Spring clover
borage floated in my wine
the chalk pit passes
a station approaches
with its own sad songs.
The Road Out
You ran away to get away
from all the silly things I say
and while this may not be the end,
it’s hard to write that and pretend
tomorrow’s just another day.
You must have noticed my wordplay
was camouflaging dull cliche
for when you read what I had penned
you ran away.
I’m clumsy so my mad display
of fondness sounded like foreplay
and now I dimly comprehend
how I have lost a precious friend
and endlessly replay the day
you ran away.
M23, Southbound
ahead the
traffic celebrates
with a christmas tree
of break-lights
oh fuck says
the wife fuck
heads down
the kids don’t hear
its Hotel Transylvania 2
on seat-back DVD
youngest asleep so woo
we settle refresh
deal a hand of biscuits
watch ten minutes
of lights and sirens
on the hard shoulder
on the steering wheel my
hands feel meaty
a farmers hands
sailing his tractor
up the Somme
something unbuckles
christmas is over
hand break off
tractor speed on
diamonds announce the crash
two cars have come
together and apart
a vomiting woman
paramedics kneeling
dressing a man
in medical rags
and orange peel
another man
still face down
peering through the asphalt
to a hidden world below
his untucked shirt
mouths wind words
his back is
hairier than mine
in our unshattered
goldfish bowl
we float
across the battlefield
jesus don’t look says
the wife don’t look
go ahead kids
I say
look up
take a little taste
then try to forget
Maybe in the dull heat after sweetness
your body steams, your flank cools and so much
passes between us with every touch
that we need not speak. On the floor your dress
plays murder victim, your forlorn knickers
are the white flag announcing armistice;
my shirt is Fred Astaire. You plant a kiss
in the palm of my hand. Something flickers
and the moon appears outside the bedroom
door, filling the house, exerting its vast,
crazed gravity on both of us. Above
us now, the air is filling with perfume.
I feel the present, future and the past
evaporate, condensing into love.
Lost and Found
We lose ourselves in silly dreams
and hatch far-fetched romantic schemes.
We love to love what we can’t get -
ask Romeo, ask Juliet,
those tragically misguided teens
who met by night beneath moonbeams,
explorers out at love’s extremes -
He Montague, she Capulet,
both starcrossed, both in love, and yet
they taught us all what true love means:
we lose ourselves.
As poets, we both love these themes
but love is never what it seems
for, as we sing our mad duet,
we lose ourselves.
outside the sky is waking up
re-bandaging her clouds
listening down into my heart
to discover a unicyclist there
stars are packing their shirt sleeves flat
stepping moondrunk off the carousel
seabirds are shouting your name
what name do they shout for you?
outside the air soaks itself in light
monochrome bleeds to cornflower
passing cars pull the canvas tight
what shall we paint today?
in my belief
the stars and mad old moon
go spiralling into your throat
so you can taste my breath in yours
as you clatter
towards a shared sunrise.
The Beast With Two Backs
In the beginning, we had four legs,
four arms, four eyes, two hearts, two heads.
We men were children of the Sun.
We’d fight and shout and hunt and run.
You women were children of the Earth,
baking bread and giving birth,
On Mount Olympus, Zeus got jealous
and some might argue over-zealous
for over time he had grown sour
contemplating human power.
Would we, could we fight the Gods?
Zeus didn’t much like the odds,
because he called, “Fee fi fo fum!
Ready or not, dudes, here I come!”
and before we had the chance to laugh,
he split all humans neatly in half!
Now we’re half as big, with half the strength
and roughly half the width and length,
So now we all feel incomplete
with just one heart, two hands, two feet,
and spend our lives scouring the Earth
for our long-lost other half
and though our partners may be great
they’re not our actual soulmate,
In fact, we could change our partner nightly
and it would still be statistically unlikely
that we’d locate our special friend
so we all settle in the end
for whoever’s lips we’re kissing
but we all sense there’s something missing,
I was content to settle too
until, sweet lady, I found you;
my mirrored self, the rest of me,
the whole root system of my tree,
the ghostly double of my soul.
Come lie with me and we’ll feel whole!
Wet January
‘We have invented happiness’ and blinks.
The last man watches nature from his couch,
forgets that he’s in fact the missing link.
He rises up, does the Bethlehem Slouch,
grazes the butt-ends of his days and ways
hunting for what’s left of self-control.
All evolution stopped with this malaise;
when hominids discovered alcohol.
If he could, would he live his life again,
promise all the same dull resolutions?
That question’s always dragging on his brain.
No answers, no acceptance, no solutions.
Abysses do not gaze or answer back
and God’s a hopeless dipsomaniac.
Sunday, January 09, 2022
Love Story
Hold sadly under the palm of my hand
a moment longer -
let’s each cast another
seventy feet of spell
to stay in love. Thank me
for our unlipped kiss,
for letting my shadow
fall across you;
this snapped daffodil
I fetched from your garden
you can place in your own mouth.
Keep your sleeping flesh in hunger -
your dugong’s dream of perspiration.
I might unbutton that dream today,
anoint you, pour gasoline
into your dry throat,
seed wild flowers between your lips
and loosened breath.
Hold nothing else with your dominant hand.
Let a reptile climb across your belly.
I could peel this planet Earth for you,
push my thumb between its segments,
rebuild you out of my ribs
and the cloying, fattened air.
All I ask is everything you have left,
to lie in unwatered darkness
waiting for my wasted breath -
to shake your dull body each time
to the cry of my name.
In between events,
I have fastened a silver chain
around your two thumbs.
Love me and I’ll lead you back
to where you started.
The Shadow
in the vast night
men are strangling wives
and daughters bleed out
in the boot
of a Ford Aspire
men with boiling eyes
their stale bodies bristling
their tongues blood-soaked
grab through
half-rolled car windows
at the women who loved them
and howl
in the shuttered interiors
of factory towns
stunted lads with Xboxes
Google creampie anal
jerk off to pixels
and inherit the Earth
In her little sedan
on Parking Level 4
Kathleen knows she needs to be firm.
Ryan’s toxic,
lost his job six weeks ago.
He frightens her.
As she fetches her keys from her bag,
she hears footsteps.
The Story of the Human Race So Far
One night a little pip fell on the ground
and, luckily, there were no birds around.
A breath of wind picked up a maple leaf
and dropped it with the little pip beneath.
That night the pip dreamed she was giving birth
and woke to find she’d sunk into the Earth
and from the clamshell of her little coat
there had appeared a fragile snow-white root.
She sat and wondered what the root could be
not guessing she might one day be a tree,
not knowing she had found the perfect place
as her planet tumbled soundlessly through space.
The Tide is Out
A ship that’s accidentally run aground
might day-dream of the previous high tide.
A fish that’s beached itself and slowly drowned
lies lifeless at the sun-baked waterside.
These poems are the dreadful rasping sound
I’m making as I slowly get tongue-tied.
A tank abandoned on the battleground
will rust if it remains unoccupied.
I try to be your faithful palace hound
but all the fight in me has slowly died.
My poetry has never been profound.
I know my protestations are cock-eyed
but I’m nothing much when you are not around
and you are otherwise preoccupied.
Bobby Part One
Bobby from Walthamstow
playing in the Hollow Ponds
Baby boomer Robin Hood
shrinking the forests
of Epping and Sherwood -
getting lost on the Debris
Whose copper father cheated
and moved the family to start again
but who even after
saw that Scottish father
laughing in a passing car
with his mistress
and had to hold that in
like a lungful of poison smoke
waiting for a new bomb to land
Who hid in black and white
as the horror started to hatch
cheered as Cagney self-immolated
and Bogart said
‘the stuff that dreams are made of’
Who lost himself in the flicker
and in the mirror found
a copycat Belmondo
lip-curled and pomaded.
Whose mother dropped dead
in the middle of a family fight
aged fifty four -
No angels came, just a dozen uncles
on their police motorcycles.
Dad, when did you put on your armour?
A waistcoat and a cine-camera
North London Clyde Barrow
sneering at the Beatles
and the stiffs who towed
the nine to five
Dad, you found your own dad dead
when you were twenty one
What pills were those by his bed?
What had he taken?
What did you say to him?
What carnivorous corkscrew
chewed down
to make its nest?
Who met a girl who bought
the thoughtful bad boy bit
and so began
the fifty two year conundrum
of the rebel without a cause
but with a wife and kids
Who rode a time of change
with Baudelaire and Bergman
listening to the String Band
smoking black and dropping acid
Who found in Brighton 1970
a city-sized family…
I’ll leave you there, Dad,
as I cannot hold you in a single poem.
I’ll come back, I promise,
and write you something better.
I haven’t even been born yet.
The River
The river carves its path across the land.
It rushes by the ghosts who haunt its banks;
two lovesick souls who dimly comprehend
that if they touch the water they will sink
and so each day these tragic phantoms stand
to watch each other on the farther shore;
a fascination that shall never end
for all the things they cannot ever share.
Instead they sing in voices soft and sweet
such love songs as the river never heard.
In melodies these lovers truly meet;
they hide a kiss in every rhyming word.
Perhaps one day our river meets the sea
but until then, my darling, sing to me.
Three Women
In the sunlit lobby, two boys
behind a couch
watch a Wild Girl
In an upstairs room
heavy shoes are placed
beneath a bed
Down the hall
a call girl
arches an aching back
Two hundred bucks
He comes as
her telephone trims
Out front a drunk guy
climbs a ladder
hoses hanging baskets
His daughter died
nine years back
Killed by her lover
In the lobby, a briefcase
holds two hundred decks
of trick playing cards
Wild Girl high-kicks
shakes a wet canvas
“Let’s get noticed!”
The boys dream
of catching the whole city
in their fishing net
Indeed, they will grow down
to the water table
drink all they need
The call girl
washes her moneymaker
in the bathroom sink
watches the window
Pigeons are re-enacting
World War Two
The lover was Bengt
a Swedish singer
It was a closed casket.
The World Enough
All life exists between two open doors
An elevator stuck between two floors
A mere handclap of lightning caught between
two nothings we can feel but never see.
The sun must rise and fall, the heavens turn
We work and play, we watch our candle burn
The winter thaws, the summer turns to rust
just as we know that soon we will be dust.
Yet what we think and feel while we’re alive
can overshoot our deaths. It can survive
long after we are rotting in the ground
and all we have to do is write it down.
Our love exists between two open doors.
I’ve written mine. I beg you to write yours.
The Fire
The fire churns but I don’t put it out.
I do not even step back from the flame.
At some point this will hurt, I have no doubt,
but when it does, I’ll have myself to blame.
You tut and tell me you don’t feel the same
wildness, the hopeless wildness that grips me
and yet you stick around to play our game.
Meanwhile the flames grow exponentially.
Composing your exquisite poetry,
not noticing your skirt has caught on fire,
you casually enjoy our repartee
despite the tongues that lick up ever higher.
Come closer, lover, hold my hand and burn.
Perhaps we’ve both still got a lot to learn.
So much depends on poetry.
It’s how we learn to love, you see,
it’s where we first interrogate
our feelings, how we navigate
an often harsh reality -
On formal forms, on verse that’s free,
on dactyl, iamb and spondee,
on how we choose to punctuate
so much depends.
In this world of uncertainty
where people mostly disagree
except about the things they hate,
where Heaney’s lost and Bieber’s great,
on how we value poetry
so much depends…
Under the Christmas Tree
The Morning’s come, let’s have some fun
We’ll play our game once again
I’ll take your mind off wintertime
Under the Christmas tree
Oh babe, make me smile
Today’s the day you’ll finally come
Oh honey, it’ll take a while
Tomorrow we’ll be free
We never made a simple plan
I became your bogeyman
so follow me now, take all you can
under the Christmas tree
Oh babe, make me smile
Today’s the day you’ll finally come
Oh honey, it’ll take a while
Tomorrow we’ll be free.
The greatest story ever told
Growing up is growing old
I gave you gold but you grew cold
Under the Christmas tree
Oh babe, make me smile
Today’s the day you’ll finally come
Oh honey, it’ll take a while
Tomorrow we’ll be free
I guess you knew I didn’t know
the secrets of the rodeo
but now I do, I’d love to go
under the Christmas tree.
Oh babe, make me smile
Today’s the day you’ll finally come
Oh honey, it’ll take a while
Tomorrow we’ll be free.
Oh babe, make me smile
Today’s the day you’ll finally come
Oh honey, it’ll take a while
Tomorrow we’ll be free.
Where I Find You
In the full stops of a stolen library book
In the ballet of a bloody boxing match
In the fish that wriggled off my careless hook
In the pistol with a broken safety catch.
In the tombstone names of endless nameless dead
In the small hours when I’m feeling all alone
In my heart and in my balls and in my head
In the Unknown Caller on my ringing phone
In each flower whose real name I do not know
In the joggers who run past before I wake
In the owl, the buzzard, dove and goose and crow
In the signpost on the path I do not take.
In the deep sea where the haunted dead reside
In the eyes of lost boys sleeping in the snow
In the silence left behind when love has died
In the places where I know I’ll never go.
You’re hiding just behind each leafless tree
You’re shadowed at the back of every cave
You’re the hidden hand that writes my poetry,
the moon which galvanises every wave.
You’re the pulsing, primal singularity
that’s revealed a whole new universe to me.
I’m not asking you to love me or to care.
I just wanted you to know you’re everywhere.
Water Dream
On the black beach you and I
leave doodled footprints
to be lifted by the sea.
Our bodies understand
the hurricane of whispered witchcraft
the cadence of attraction
the dark salt taste
at the heart of a candied day.
We do not hold each other
but we can each hold
two cupped hands of water
to sip and say I love you -
We can clasp our coin of the tornado
in immaculate burning calm
and dream of the ocean
like sightless fish
swimming weightless
in formaldehyde.
Counter Factual
The drowsy day is at its height.
The river flows beyond our feet.
With bellies to the sulky sun,
our hot hands meet and intertwine.
We have loved inside the grass,
ate zebra at a Grand Hotel -
we challenged God to strike us down
and heard the randy bugger laugh.
The river flows out of your eyes.
We fold the drowsy day away,
reclothe ourselves in silly words
and stroll back sadly to the car
while on that bank of celandine
two fresh-pressed angels slowly fade
and with them goes what’s good in us -
the dream we had, the love we made.
I feel your planted seed in me
warmed and nourished by the sun.
Ignition fills the car with rock -
we drive and watch the river run.
A Frivolous Song
Milwaukee girls in 81.
My father died. I felt so glum.
Every thought under the sun
and all the boring shit I’ve done.
My poetry is never fun
but now my race is almost run
I seek the trophy never won.
I’m desperate to tell someone
I’m serious!
(And I should be taken seriously)
I’m serious!
(You must respect my poetry)
I’m serious and I don’t think
my armour has a single chink
and my huge muse is in the pink
while all you other poets stink!
Methinks I’ll pour myself a drink
and wonder why you don’t all think
I’m serious!
(You just act so frivolously)
I’m serious!
(Why can’t the gang be nice to me?)
I’m serious so I don’t rhyme
(Frivolity’s a major crime)
I pour another glass of wine
and weep as I write ev’ry line.
My thoughts are so damn crystalline
while your remarks are asinine.
That’s why I stamp my feet and whine
I’m serious!
(Enough of your frivolity!)
I’m serious!
(My poems are top quality!)
I’m serious. It’s getting late.
I’ve no time to reciprocate
but, even so, please say I’m great
and haters, if you’re gonna hate,
you’re just a juvenile ingrate
and once again I’d like to state
I’m serious!
(I’m a bit like Walt Whitman)
I’m serious!
(I’ll throw my toys out of my pram)
I’m serious, an alpha male
way past his best. I’m going stale.
Robinda’s gone and hit the nail
right on its head. That’s why I flail
and fight but know I’m doomed to fail.
I’m Ahab. He’s my Great White Whale.
I’m serious! Be nice to me!
Enough with your frivolity
I’m serious! Why can’t you see
I’m serious?
I’m serious!
I’m serious!
I’m serious!
(Repeat till fade, screaming)
My fountain pen is flowing once again
and all that’s good in me is spilling out.
My hand moves and that works to calm my brain
but will it be a whisper or a shout?
And out there in the darkness do you wait
to taste each dainty drop of what I write?
Do you write yourself until you must abate?
Do you dream about a hot nib every night?
Will what I write tonight be seminal?
Will this sonnet penetrate you to your core?
Will it trigger something neurochemical
and leave you lying gasping on the floor?
Or will you be more sensible perhaps
and volta long before my dull climax?